Work/Life Balance in the 21st Century



Video 1: (I & M Bank Ltd, 2016)


In this 21st century we have a doubt whether we Work to live, or live to work? In a globalized world where business never stops and nearly all our business tools enable constant communication, where do we draw the line between work and leisure? Work life balance is a method which helps employees of an organization to balance their personal and professional lives. Work life balance encourages employees to divide their time on the basis on priorities and maintain a balance by devoting time to family, health, vacations etc. along with making a career, business travel etc. It is an important concept in the world of business as it helps to motivate the employees and increases their loyalty towards the company (Dragani, 2012). When people are unable to balance their work/life it leads the employee to be depressed and dissatisfied on what they do. The following interview shows how work and life energized Jeff Bezos’s life through work-life harmony when he is happy in work as well as life.


Video 2: (Summit, 2018)


According to view of MBA Skool Team there are 4 main facts to be discussed in this blog (Team, 2021)

  1. Importance of work life balance
  2. 6 Steps to improve work life balance
  3. Benefits of work life balance


1.    Importance of Work-Life Balance

Most of the people prioritize work commitment as a fundamental element of life satisfaction. Work-life balance include both factors that could be adjusted by the individual and those that need organizational initiative. Some are satisfied to spend long hours at work for potential career progression, while others feel satisfied if their family is prioritized. Still, aligning both remains a focus for many. It may be that balance is best defined when it is absent. In any case, when the preferred type of balance is not achieved, it leads to interference or conflict (Thomas, 2021)

Working on a job can be an extremely time-consuming duty for any employee. Most of the employees are busy at their workplace throughout the day and at times during the weekends which leads them to have very limited time with their families. Due to the high pressure at work place family members are been neglected. Also, stressful jobs cause the health of employees. This is where work life balance come into the picture. Work life balance concept allows an employee to maintain a fine balance in the time he or she gives to work as well as to personal matters. By having a good balance, people can have a quality of work life. When an employee is able to have a work-life balance, it helps them to increase productivity at workplace. From the other hand it allows employee to have some quality time with family to spend vacation, leisure time and etc.  Hence work life balance is extremely important for employees and increases their motivation to work for the company. The below shared image describes how an employee should have a balance in his/her work/life (Team, 2021).

Figure 1: Work Life Balance


2.  6 Steps to Improve Work Life Balance (PALMER GROUP EMPLOYEE OWNED, 2023)

Figure 2: 6 easy ways to improve Work/Life Balance


2.1. Plan your Time, Expertise, or Finances

 Planning your time, resources and effort into something that you are passionate about is often one of the best ways to boost your morale while also making a meaningful impact in your community. Having a proper plan is rewarding and can give you a sense of purpose that goes beyond the door of your office or home. When we have a proper schedule about our lives, we know our duties, responsibilities and commitments which we should prioritize. It helps to have a balanced work & life.

2.2. Find a Mentor to Provide Advice & Insight

 It’s always good to expose yourself to the perspective and experiences of people you respect is invaluable. Having a mentor in life is unmeasurable and guidance and instructions given by them about the situation you haven’t been in helps you to make correct decisions in life. Specially when we discuss about work-life balance, there could be occasions in our lives where we go beyond the limit and need someone’s advice, instructions and their life experiences to have everything balanced and be satisfied with everything we do. Mentors can also give your ideas of how they have worked towards a balanced work and home life.


2.3.Plan Your Vacation & Days Off in Advance

 Having a plan about your vacation days in advance helps to have some quality time with the family. Also, adding those days to your calendar and requesting them off in advance is a commitment. You will be more likely to hold to and make the most of that time. This leads to have a balance in work and life. Having a proper plan about the vacation helps an employee to complete all the assigned tasks on time and take day offs without any stress. It gives an alarm to the employee to attend to work on time as he/she needs to obtain approval for day offs.

 2.4.Prioritize Your Top Tasks & Do Them First

 Having a to-do list makes life much easier and I have experienced the benefits of having it as a practice in my work place. There are few things more satisfying than checking your most critical, anxiety-inducing responsibilities off your to-do list. Focusing on these first will give you a feeling of accomplishment and productivity throughout the rest of your day. This also allows you to go home with peace of mind, knowing that you put your best foot forward, today. Same practice could be followed for life as well. Having a to-do list and prioritizing the most important things in life makes things balance and happy. If all the employees could practice this it would be an added value.

2.5. Take Time to Rest Both Mentally & Physically

 Before discussing on this topic, I would like you to invite to have a look in the following video.

Video 3: (Lets talk about mental health, 2022)


This is something most of us forget in our lives. We always focus on completing assigned tasks at work, attending to family commitments and growth in both family and life. But we forget to give priority to take time to rest both mentally and physically. Taking a break is a great way to recharge your batteries and prepare you for what lies ahead. This might include taking time away from your desk if your schedule allows and getting an appropriate amount of sleep at night. Burning the candle at both ends may bring a short-term boost to production but can be detrimental in the long run.

2.6.Add Exercise as a Part of Your Daily Routine

 The benefits of daily exercise have been well documented from a health standpoint, but it can also bring a noticeable impact on your productivity. Like completing important tasks early in the day, finishing a run or workout gives you a sense of achievement to push you through the rest of your day. 

3.    Benefits of Work Life Balance

Figure 3: Benefits to the Employee 




Figure 4: Benefits to the Organization



As we focus on dieting to stay healthy and energized, work-life balance is also essential to have a successful life. People need variety in how they spend their time. We tend to fall into the trap of believing that we can be productive all the time, or that an eight-hour day at work equates to eight hours of output. However, that’s simply not true. 


(2022). Retrieved from Lets talk about mental health:

Dragani, J. (2012, September 6). THEWAYAHEAD. Retrieved from Work/Life Balance in the 21st Century:

I & M Bank Ltd. (216). Retrieved from

PALMER GROUP EMPLOYEE OWNED. (2023, February 1). Retrieved from 6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance:

Sciences, N. M., & Thomas, D. L. (n.d.). Retrieved from Importance of a Work-Life Balance:,benefit%20from%20achieving%20this%20balance.

Summit. (2018). Retrieved from

Team, M. S. (2021, August 15). MBAskool. Retrieved from Work Life Balance - Meaning, Importance, Steps & Example:

Thomas, L. (2021, October 8). News Medical Life Sciences. Retrieved from Importance of a Work-Life Balance:,benefit%20from%20achieving%20this%20balance.












  1. Hi Bhagya , Thank you for sharing the blog, Mental health is something vital for todays business world and the work life balance should be there to have mental health. Here you have well explained the concept.

  2. Hi bhagya, nice content with valuable information. Well done !

  3. WLB is one of the challenges that everyone faces on daily basis. I also have done a blog in this subject. Thank you sharing this post

  4. work life balance is a key feature to have the success in personal life as well as the professional life .You have well explained the content

  5. As we focus on dieting to stay healthy and energized, work-life balance is also essential to have a successful life, well said

  6. Well explained, Thank you for sharing

  7. Bhagya, Great work, nicely presented. All good. Please take care of your referencing method. Also end of each references you are required to put [Accessed (date)]. pls check if time permits.

    1. Thank you Satheesh for you valuable feedback. Will see to it!

  8. This is very important to all of us,most probably not happening work life balance in every personal life.thanks for sharing important topic Bhagya.


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