Job Rotation


Job Rotation


                                                    Figure 1: Job Rotation

Job Rotation is a strategy where employees rotate between two or more jobs in the same group of companies. Employees take on new tasks at a different job for a period of time, enabling consistency within the organization and ability of the team member to explore one’s capabilities to the next level. A job rotation program moves team members through a variety of positions within or among departments/ Organizations /Businesses', enabling them to gain exposure to different parts of the Group, while growing and expanding their skill sets. A Leader occupying a top-level duty in ' Rotating Capacity', will choose to move on to another position, or be ''selected to'' take on an additional position at a similar of higher designation, once he or she out grows one’s capacity in the '' held or additionally appointed'' current position (Stalk, 2005)


Video 1: (Fetcher, 2022)

1.Types of Job Rotation

There are three types of Job Rotation (Team, 2021). They are,

1.1.  Task Based Job Rotation

 In this type employee is rotated based on tasks which can become monotonous and repetitive. Such tasks are very demanding for the employee and leading to unnecessary stress. Job rotation makes sure that the employee gets a sufficient break by doing some other tasks in the same department, may be. These other tasks might be different and less demanding. This is also applicable to the situations where there are early morning or late shifts. Employees are given normal shifts regularly so that they are not stuck doing the other shifts.


1.2. Position Based Job Rotation

This type of rotation is more permanent and stable where an employee changes positions within the same vertical or a different vertical. A good example is moving a sales executive to marketing roles. Position based rotation can help employee grow in an organization and can see different career paths. It can motivate an employee and also help organization to retain employees and the find the right fit for them.


1.3. Geography Based

This type is used where a company has a lot of locations and geographies where it serves. Many a times, some locations might be better than others in terms of pay, responsibilities, opportunities so employees might prefer them. Not all the employees can be sent to the best locations so geography-based rotation is used sometimes to give chance to good employees to go to different locations to get better roles and opportunities. Many a times client-side roles are in locations where employees might want to go for better pay. This rotation can be long term as well as short term.

2.    2. .Objectives of Job Rotating

According to Parchi Juneja there are 6 main objectives of Job Rotation (Juneja)    


                                                      Figure 2: Objectives of Job Rotation


2.1. Reducing Monotony of the job

 The foremost objective of job rotating is to reduce the monotony of the and repetitiveness involved in a job which allows employees to experience different type of jobs which eventually motivates them to perform well at each stage of job replacement.

2.2. Succession Planning

The concept of succession planning is ‘Who will replace whom’. Its main function of job rotation is to develop a pool of employees who can be placed at a senior level when someone gets retired or leaves the organization. The idea is to create an immediate replacement of a high-worth employee from within the organization.

2.3. Creating Right-Employee Job Fit

Job productivity of employees leads to the success of an organization. If they’re rightly placed, they will be able to give the maximum output. In case, if the employees are assigned with the job that they are not good at, it creates problems for both employer and employee. Therefore, fitting a right person in right vacancy is one of the main objectives of job rotation.

 2.4. Exposing Workers to All Verticals of the Company

Another main function of job rotation process is to exposing workers to all verticals or operations of the organization in order to make them aware how company operates and how tasks are performed. It gives them a chance to understand the working of the organization and different issues that crop up while working.


2.5. Testing Employee Skills and Competencies

Testing and analyzing employee skills and competencies and then assigning them the work that they excel at is one of the major functions of job rotation process. It is done by moving them to different jobs and assignments and determining their proficiency and aptitude. Placing them what they are best at increases their on-job productivity.


2.6. Developing a Wider Range of Work Experience

Employees, usually don’t want to change their area of operations. Once they start performing a specific task, they don’t want to shift from their comfort zone. Through job rotation, managers prepare them in advance to have a wider range of work experience and develop different skills and competencies. It is necessary for an overall development of an individual. Along with this, they understand the problems of various departments and try to adjust or adapt accordingly.


3.Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Rotation



Figure 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Rotation




The process of job rotation benefits the firm's personnel as well as the organization as a whole. This HR team's approach provides a lot of advantages for both the business and the employees. We won't be able to describe the benefits of the understanding unless the foundation is apparent. Some claim it's a cheap recruiting strategy for the HR team and the business; others claim it's a means to give employees a change from their normal tasks; and yet others claim it's a way to build employee abilities across all fields.



Fetcher, J. (2022). HR University. Retrieved from Job Rotation:

Juneja, P. (n.d.). Management Study Guide. Retrieved from Job Rotation - Meaning and its Objectives:

Stalk, G. J. (2005, March). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from Rotate the Core:

Team, M. S. (2021, August 30). MBA Skool. Retrieved from Job Rotation - Meaning, Importance, Types & Example:




  1. A new role equals new skills to be learned and mastered. Job rotations encourage career development, help employees upskill, and improve your talent pool’s overall quality. Plus, it often helps employees feel more confident in their role and gain more knowledge of the company overall(personio, 2023)

  2. Thank you for sharing this topic Bhagya
    Job rotation gives the benefit for both parties. Employees as well as employers in several ways.

  3. This HR team's approach provides a lot of advantages for both the business and the employees. We won't be able to describe the benefits of the understanding unless the foundation is apparent.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Organizations can benefit greatly from job rotation. While job rotation allows for the expansion of one's knowledge and adaptation to new environments.

  6. Wow very wonderfull post and very useful comments. I note there are two colors in fornts, did u design in such way or mistakenly happened ? Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Rotation was very good contents. Small suggestion, i feef if max 3-4 min videp will be a good impact on readers. Over all its a good contents.

    1. Thank you Satheesh for your valuable feedback. I will correct them


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