The Importance of a Healthy Employer-Employee Relationship

The Importance of a Healthy Employer-Employee Relationship

The organizations where employees have a good, healthy and strong relationship with the employer benefits as a whole. When the employees have a mutual respectful relationship towards their employer are always happy, loyal and productive in long-run. Most of the employers fail to build such a relationship with their employees. When the employers have a good relationship with the employees it helps to work towards a common goal. Also, having a good rapport with the employees creates a workplace where employees are satisfied, increase productivity and efficiency (PayPro Workforce Management, 2016).


1.    What Are the Signs of a Healthy Relationship?

 People in healthy relationships love and support each other. They help each other practically as well as emotionally. They are there for each other in the good times and the bad times. According to Susmitha Sarma Healthy relationships are commonly based on few things as listed below (Sarma, 2023).

  • Mutual respect
  • Build Tust
  • Open communication
  • Equality
  • Both shared and individual interests
  • Understanding
  • Honesty
  • Care

  • Emotional support
  • Shared values around finances, child raising and other important matters


2. Essential Elements to Have a Good Employer and Employee Relationship

                                Figure 1: Why maintaining good employee relationship is importan


3. How to Maintain a Healthy Employer and Employee Relationship in Workplace


In order to maintain a strong and healthy employee/employer relationship it leads to many advantages such as increased productivity, strong employee loyalty and streamlined conflict resolution. When an organization is being benefited in all the above said areas it is the high time for the employer to build a good relationship with employees (Management). According to the SLING Management team listed below are the few tips to maintain a strong employee/employer relationship.


3.1. Micromanage

When an employer is micromanaged, he/she makes employees feel like they can’t do their job. That has a negative effect on their productivity and confidence. The best way to handle such employees is to let them schedule their own work hours. Give employees their freedom to complete the assigned tasks within a given time period having an own work schedule.

3.2. Embrace Diversity

When an organization needs to maintain a healthy employer/employee relationship organization should hire a diverse workforce. Diverse workforce includes better employee performance, a wider range of skills, talents and experience, creative innovation and access to a broader client base which ultimately leads the organization to achieve their common goals.

3.3. Maintain an Open-Door Policy

Maintaining an open-door policy is a great way to build a good employer/employee relationship. When the employees feel comfortable to approach their employer with questions, concerns and new ideas it develops a good connection among both the parties which serves to strengthen your employee/employer relations.

3.4.Work On Skills of Employees

 The relationship an employer could have with his/her employees depends on people skills such as patience, sympathy and empathy, flexibility, trust, ability to listen strengthen the employer/employee relationship.


3.5.Face-to-face Conversation with Employees

 In modern world communication is done through digital communication like email, texting, instant messaging and webcams which keeps people away from face-to-face communication. Speaking with the employer/ employee directly makes the rapport stronger. Engaging in personal conversation with team members to find our how they are doing makes the relationship much stronger.

3.6.Conduct Performance Reviews

 Although, performance reviews do not sound like a way to build strong employee/employer relations, employee could focus on the positive areas rather than always spotlighting the negative. Employer can motivate employee on how to over come their negative by sharing their personal experiences which builds a trust about the employer and gives an assurance on job safety.

3.7.Create Employee Development Plans

Based on the performance reviews of the employees, employer can create an employee development plan for each team member with the support of the HR team. This makes the employees to see the path to success and help them to know that the employer always tries to uplift his/her employees by giving proper training and development plans.

3.8.Spend Some Quality Time with the Employees

Spending a quality time with employees strengthen the employer/ employee relationship. Employer can go above and beyond the normal meetings and spend some time with the employees to show that they are values.

3.9.Be Fair

Employer can practice the same rules and regulations to all the employees to trat everyone equally. This means enforcing the rules the same way for everyone, exercising a positive attitude toward all employees, rewarding hard work and success equally.


 Building a connected employer-employee relationship might not be as easy as it seems. But the minute you start investing time in them, you will know that it's the right path to business happiness!


Employer Employee Relations. (n.d.). tutor2u.

Management, E. (n.d.). SLING. Retrieved from How To Have A Strong Employee/Employer Relationship:

PayPro Workforce Management. (2016, March 22). Retrieved from Essential Elements Of A Healthy Employer-Employee Relationship:

Sarma, S. (2023, April 27). VANTAGECIRCLE. Retrieved from Importance Of Employer Employee Relationship In Companies:

What is employee relationship. (n.d.). Greggu.






  1. A healthy relationship between employers and employees is vital for the operations of an organization.Through strong and lasting employer- employee relationship , acheiving end goals will be easy. Thanks for sharing your work Bhagya.

  2. Good selection of topic and is well explained. Healthy relationship leads to better performance

  3. Nice blog you have clearly explained it

  4. Employee and Employer relationship should be well bond than the husband/wife relationship. You presented in simple way and very clearly. I took some notes from your 9 points of "How to Maintain a Healthy Employer and Employee Relationship in Workplace". Very usefull to my present job role. Good work Bhagya.


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