Source of Recruitment and Recruitment Tactics to Know

Human resource management is a critical function in any organization where employees are considered as an asset to the organization. It helps to ensure that the workforce is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives and that employees have the skills and knowledge they need to be productive. HRM believes that employer and employee both could develop the organization and trust each other. The following video gives a clear explanation about HRM (Bank of Info).


Recruitment Process can be defined as a way of attract and find potential manpower to fill up the vacant post in the company”. The HR Recruitment Process helps to hire candidates based on their ability to work and attitude which is essential for accomplishment of organizational goals. HRM is the function of people management within an organization. HR is responsible for facilitating the overall goals of the organization through effective administration of human capital focusing on employees as the company's most important asset. Recruitment is the first step in building an organization's human capital. At a high level, the goals are to locate and hire the best candidates, on time, and on budget (Smart Recruiters ).

Organizations use different types of recruitment methods in order to attract the best candidates. Every job does not have the same requirement. Hence, employer is responsible to use different hiring tactics which will match their respective organization ( SMITH, 2023).


Internal and External Recruitment Drivers


                                                                Figure 1: Source of Recruitment


Internal recruitment could be defined as when an organization looks to fill the vacancy from within its existing workforce ( CAMPLING, 2020).

Figure 2: Advantages and disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

External Recruitment could be defined as when an organization looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable applicant from outside ( CAMPLING, 2020).


                                 Figure 3: Advantages and disadvantages of External Recruitment

 The Best Recruitment Methods a HR Manager Should Know

Direct Advertising

Placing the job advertisement on webpage of the organization, social media, job boards and industry publications is an excellent way to attract more applicants. It helps the organization to boost the company reputation and gives an exposure to the employer branding. It is the responsibility of the HR Manager to follow up on the advertisement to attract suitable applicants ( SMITH, 2023).

Talent Pool Databases

HR Managers should always maintain a talent pool database for applicants and candidates that were not hired but were suitable enough to save. Most of the time when hiring decisions involve deciding between at least two or three candidates. When there is a new vacancy arises, HR Managers could search the talent pool for similar skills and experience which could save yourself a lot of time ( SMITH, 2023).

Promotions and Transfers

Both promotion and transfers are internal recruitment ways where employees are been identified to fill open roles of the organization. A promotion means that the person moves up the ladder and is given more responsibilities and also a pay increase and transfer usually doesn’t involve greater responsibilities or more money and is a horizontal move. Staff can be transferred to the same role in another branch or region, or they can take on a similar position in a different department or division ( SMITH, 2023).

Internships and Apprenticeships

Internships and apprenticeships are an excellent and famous way most of the organizations use get to know the strengths of individuals and can be considered to be a working interview. During the contact period, Senior Management and HR Managers can evaluate the potential to identify interns and apprentices who can be upskilled and developed to fill future roles. Organizations save more money by hiring interns to fill vacancies as they do not expect a high salary.

Recruitment Events

Most of the reputed organizations, companies in Sri Lanka use recruitment events as a recruitment tactic to attract more applicants. Hosting open days, holding job fairs, graduate recruitment drives on campus which could be costly.

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is another excellent way to get identify potential candidates. From the other hand it is an excellent way of promoting the employer brand and letting people know that the organization support developing talents of young generation those who seek for job opportunities.

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is another tactic used in big brand and multinationals to approach job seekers. Since their employer brand is established, most of the applicants wait till they get an opportunity to work under such companies. All they need to do is put the word out that they’re hiring and they will get a good response.

Boomerang Employees

Boomerang Employees could be defined as rehiring past employees is gaining popularity. These are people who worked well at a company but then left on good terms for a myriad of reasons.


At its core, recruiting is a rather simple concept--it encompasses identifying candidates and hiring them to fill open positions. However, effective recruiting combines a bit of art with science. It requires implementing repeatable processes that will lead to reliable results, on the one hand. On the other, it requires sophistication to think outside the box in order to find your ideal candidate.



CAMPLING, B. (2020, December 16). Recruiteeblog. Retrieved from Is internal recruitment always the best option:

SMITH, A. (2023, January 11). Recruiteeblog. Retrieved from 12 recruitment methods you need to know about:

Bank of Info. (n.d.). Retrieved from 14 Characteristics of Human Resource Management (HRM):

SLING. (n.d.). Retrieved from Strategic Human Resource Management: What Is It And Why Is It Important?:

Smart Recruiters . (n.d.). Retrieved from Recruitment - Hiring Success Grossary:







  1. Nice contents about recruitment; as you mentioned in your conclusion, effective recruitment is a very important process in any organization. Sometimes it's a very complicated process to find a suitable employee.

  2. It is a very important topic that any organization should adhere to because choosing the right person will help the organization accomplish its final objective; failing to do so would result in more expenses for the business and would demoralize other employees.

    1. Thank you for the supportive information Lochana

  3. Hi bhagya,
    The video link is not connected. You can simply insert a video link by clicking insert video.
    By the way its a nice topic and contents are very useful. Keep writing some more good ones.

    1. Thank you Satheesh for showing my mistakes. will do accordingly. Many thanks!

    2. Satheesh I have done the correction and hope you could see it now

    3. Hi Can see a video. Pls check below link appreared in the 1st para pls.

  4. Let's correct the mistakes pointed out by Satheesh. Your article inspired me to prepare an article on Recruitment Tactics.thank you bhagya..!

  5. Good content and gives an overall idea of recruitment, recruitment drivers, and methods. The recruitment process is essential for smooth operation. Company capacity and the role & responsibilities of the new position need to be clearly defined before going on recruitment.

  6. By using targeted recruitment tactics, companies can reduce their recruitment costs by avoiding large-scale recruitment campaigns and investing in more effective methods of sourcing and screening candidates. This helps companies to save money and make their recruitment process more efficien

    1. Thank you Dilini for sharing your inputs as well.

  7. Hi bhahya, Correct and effective recruitment process is a key succesive factor in any kind of organization. Selecting the best source and tactics accordingly will give the expected result by the employers. Thanks for shairing this content. Well done !

  8. Hi Bhagya This is a nice content with important knowledge .Thank you for sharing this

  9. Choosed topic is interesting and listed employee caching paths are informative .

  10. Good One, You clearly explain the Internal and external Recruitment. And also Clearly described The advantages and disadvantages through the figure 2 and figure 3.

  11. This blog consistently delivers exceptional content that goes above and beyond my expectations.

  12. Good content.nice vedio.i like it.well done


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