
Importance of Team Work in Workplace.

1.     What is a team?                                                                    Figure 1 : Teamwork                                                           Video :  (ViVa4ever, 2011)   2.     Who is a Team Member?   A person who is actively involved to his/her group in order to fulfil the allocated tasks and achieve the goals are called as a “Team Member”. The main duty and responsibility of a team member is achieving organizational success together and they eventually share the responsibilities all along the journey until they all reach the expectations of the employer  (Dreepaul, 2021)   3.     4 Types of Employees   Video 01:    (Australia, 2015)   4.     Why Teamwork at Workplace is Important?   (Management)   4.1. New Ideas Working with a diverse group always reveal new, fresh ideas. According to the today’s competitive business environment such ideas are invaluable. The different ages, backgrounds, skill sets and level of experie

Job Rotation

  Job Rotation                                                       Figure 1 : Job Rotation Job Rotation is a strategy where employees rotate between two or more jobs in the same group of companies. Employees take on new tasks at a different job for a period of time, enabling consistency within the organization and ability of the team member to explore one’s capabilities to the next level. A job rotation program moves team members through a variety of positions within or among departments/ Organizations /Businesses', enabling them to gain exposure to different parts of the Group, while growing and expanding their skill sets. A Leader occupying a top-level duty in ' Rotating Capacity', will choose to move on to another position, or be ''selected to'' take on an additional position at a similar of higher designation, once he or she out grows one’s capacity in the '' held or additionally appointed'' current position  (Stalk, 2005)   Video 1:  (

Work/Life Balance in the 21st Century

                           Video 1:  (I & M Bank Ltd, 2016)   In this 21 st century we have a doubt whether we Work to live, or live to work? In a globalized world where business never stops and nearly all our business tools enable constant communication, where do we draw the line between work and leisure? Work life balance is a method which helps employees of an organization to balance their personal and professional lives. Work life balance encourages employees to divide their time on the basis on priorities and maintain a balance by devoting time to family, health, vacations etc. along with making a career, business travel etc. It is an important concept in the world of business as it helps to motivate the employees and increases their loyalty towards the company  (Dragani, 2012) . When people are unable to balance their work/life it leads the employee to be depressed and dissatisfied on what they do. The following interview shows how work and life energized Jeff Bezos’s li

The Importance of a Healthy Employer-Employee Relationship

The Importance of a Healthy Employer-Employee Relationship The organizations where employees have a good, healthy and strong relationship with the employer benefits as a whole. When the employees have a mutual respectful relationship towards their employer are always happy, loyal and productive in long-run. Most of the employers fail to build such a relationship with their employees. When the employers have a good relationship with the employees it helps to work towards a common goal. Also, having a good rapport with the employees creates a workplace where employees are satisfied, increase productivity and efficiency   (PayPro Workforce Management, 2016) .   1.     What Are the Signs of a Healthy Relationship?   People in healthy relationships love and support each other. They help each other practically as well as emotionally. They are there for each other in the good times and the bad times. According to Susmitha Sarma Healthy relationships are commonly based on few things a